Page name: Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-02 16:36:23
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Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay

[Dark Angel]

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Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 3

Kirara opens one eye and jumps down from Yudan's shoulder. "You going somewhere Onyx?" She mews and lands calmly on Onyx's shoulder. "What's the rush?"

"I don't have time for this," She says. "I've come here to accomplish one goal and one goal alone."

"Who? Com' on the others are worried we need to regroup." *showing her the way the others were* "Let's go!" Holding kirara.
"And what kinda goal is that?" *yudan rudely said*

"We can help you. You shouldn't have to do this alone." Kirara mews back. "I want to help you no matter what the cost, and I'm sure the others agree. We never give up on someone in need!"

"You don't want to get involed," She says. "Trust me. I'm doing you a favor."

"You say that now, but what are you going to do when your in danger and you need a friend to watch your back?" Kirara digs her claws into Onyx's shoulder. "I'm not moving from this spot until you let us help you. I may not be able to do much, but I can fight!"

"Heh, she obviosaly dosen't want help. So just let her go." *snarling, crosses her arms in hte tree watching*

Kirara growls at Yudan. "I don't care what you say. You're my friend and you know as well as I do that if it weren't for me, you'd be dead. No one should have to go alone. No one deserves to go alone!"

"I've been alone since I was 15! And you didn't save me, if anything you made it worse!" *her voice rose, then she looked down sadly, closing her eyes* "I don't want to talk about it so nevermind." *she sighs sadly*

"Sorry, but you know I'm right. You didn't want to be alone. You don't want to be alone. You wouldn't have returned if you wanted to be alone. Why do you think I stayed with you. I could have gone back to Sango whenever I wanted to, but I didn't. Your soul cried out to be accompanied. You have to face your fears and become stronger. I was alone for a long time as well...Once you've found friends, you can't let them go. Yudan? Trust me. Please?" Kirara meows and turn to Yudan almost in tears.

*Yudan growled madly* "You still have much to learn about me.... *she goes silent and ignores Kirara*

"Fine! Go! You can't tell me what to do, and I'm staying" Kirara yowls back. She grabs on to Onyx's clothing tighter.

*Yudan pricks her ears and opens her eyes* "what the?......" *looks around*

"You heard what I said." Kirara meows out of breathe with tears welling in her eyes.

*closes eyes, yawns and relaxes back in the tree* "Must've been the wind."

"We don't read your mind you know! If you smelled what I smelled....We're in serious trouble!" Kirara hissed out and the fur stood up on her back.

"Well if ur so smart who is it!?" *growling at her*

"I didn't say it as an insult! I don't know who it is genius, but whatever it is, it has Naraku's stench all over it!" Kirara growls back.

*Yudan just crosses her arms, sitting in tree* "hmph." *goes quiet*

"Fine! Be like that. You can just sit there while the rest of us try and fight! You know what? I don't need your critism! I'm going to look for Sango on my own! You can stay here and contend with this new threat yourself if you think you're so great!" Kirara jumps down and takes off, but turns back to look over her shoulder one last time. "I thought you were my friend." She mutters and just stares.

*grabs at her head in pain* "The Yudan u know has died! *gripping at her head* "Ahh my head the demon side with in me....I must controll it." *falls to ground on her knees* "Ahh this pain..."

"Yudan! Don't do it! Remember who you are! That's the only way to win! Remember those you love! Remember your promises!" Kirara races over to Yudans side.

"This is the second time ever." *holding head tightly* "That it's ever happened...." *growls* "AHHHhhh!!" *gaining control back she falls down to the ground exhausted, breathes heavily* "That was too close..." *looks to kirara* "Thanks."

"Just because I was mad at you, doesn't mean that I'm going to abandon you." Kirara huffs and jumps on Yudan's shoulder. "Plus you have a soft shoulder. Very comfortable."

*yudan crosses arms under her chin so she rested on them* "I've only used that once and I lost controll." *holding back tears* "That was the day..... I lost my....." *a tear rolled down her cheek* "My father..."

"It's OK Yudan.....I'm here now. I'm not going to leave you ever!" Kirara buts her head against Yudan's chin and purrs while she stretches out.

*Yudan closes her eyes and pets Kirara* "Thanks kirara."

"No problem! I got your back!" Kirara curls up and falls asleep again. *thinks* 'Well at least that other demon disappeared, but what could have triggered Yudan's trasformation?'

Yudan yawns and falls asleep *thinking* 'All my anger is transfered into my demon and that's what always triggers it. Otherwise it's when i'm about to die. But this time it was anger, and that stench of Naraku.' *falls asleep*

Alexiel sits down crossing her legs tiredly."So what's everyone been doing since I was gone?"

Kirara opens one eye. "Nothing much. I've been looking for Sango, but she seems to have dissapeared....But you know that already."

" how's life been since I last saw you guys...something like two years..."Alexiel smiles.

"Well...I went on a small journey about a year ago and met Yudan...That's about everything that's happened to me..." Kirara mews and stretches.

Alexiel grins laying down."that's cool."

Onyx just stared. In all her life, no one had ever wanted to help her. Why did they want to help her when they barely even knew her. It just didn't make any sense.

Yudan twitched her dog hanyou ears still asleep.

Kirara jumps down and landss on Onyx's shoulder. "Are you still thinking of going away?"

"Do you really want to help?" Asked Adanna, looking at Kiara.

Yudan rolls over and scratches ear.

"Of course I want to help! Why would any of you think that I wouldn't?" Kirara mews back.

"I'll help too!" Kagome says happyliy.

"Well, I'm looking for a temple." Onyx says at last.

"Do you the general area it's in? If you do, I'm sure I could help you sniff it out!" Kirara meows enthusiastically.

Sits up fast and rubs head. "Dam Dreams." Looks around seeing everyone looking at her. "What?!" Yudan said.

Kirara roles her eyes. "Yudan, pay attention. We're going to look for this temple thingy. You coming or not?"

"Is suppose to be the mountians somewhere." Onyx says.

"What! Why?"

"It just is in the mountains." Answers Onyx. "No idea why."

"What's in the mountains Naraku!?" jumping to her feet. "Then let's go!!"

"Are you sure we shouldn't go to the ocean...Never mind...Let's be on our way!" Kirara mews.

"Onyx, how fast can u run? how about Kirara u carry her and i'll just run below." Looking at Kirara.

"Okay, I will allow that. My feet are killing me." Onyx rubs her feet.

"Fine. I'll do it!" Transform into her giant cat form. "Off to the mountains!!"

"Alright! Let's go!" begins running toward mountains at a fast speed.

Kagome and Onyx hold onto Kiara and she bounds off towards the mountians.

Alexiel stands there for a second before picking miroku up around the waist and running after them.

Yudan runs through forest dodging trees as she went. there was a steam ahead a rather wide on she took on singe bound and landed hard on the other side but continued to run.

"So why are you looking for this temple?" Kagome asks Onyx.

"It holds something i need." Onyx begans. "My mother is----"

Kirara jumps to the side in the air "Sorry guys! It's going to get a little rough!"

Wind blows at yudan making it hard to run. "dam." *picks up speed* "ha stupid wind!"

"Why is the wind so rough suddenly?" Asks Kagome.

"I don't know, but hang on tight!" Kirara meows as she dodges a mini tornado.

"This is unheard of! The myths where true after all!" Onyx says.

"Myths? What Myths?" Kirara yowls out over the sound of howling wind. "Anything you can tell us will get us out alive!"

Fights the wind. "Myths! ha!" Yudan yelled stubbornly.

"Yudan! Shut up and listen for once!" Kirara yowls back.

"It said that the Temple Enriched is gaurded by t hree terrible gaurdians. A wind enchantress, a horrible monster, and then the last one-------well, no one knows about the last one." Onyx says.

Growls raging foward. "the wind ahead isn't so strong?!"

"Anyone know how we're supposed ot beat this wind thing!" Kirara meows and goes into a dive.

"hmph." *draws sword* "maybe i'll fight wind with wind?!" *holding her mothers fang*

"well that's the dumbest thing I
ve ever heard! But go for it." Kirara mews and pulls out of her dive.

Alexiel growls still following,and holding miroku around the waist."You ok monk?" "yea just dandy."Miroku says sarcastically causeing alexiel to make a face at him.

Raises sword and yells. "WIND SCAR!!" *cutting through the wind* "Heh!"

"Well that worked!" Kagome says.

Kirara growls as the wind gets stronger. "Yeah it worked all right!" Dodges a flying tree. " Anyone else wanna give it a go! Wait! Onyx! We can both use our fire powers to trace the wind back to the source! See, it's running in a full circle. Direct my embers into the loop and then direct the wind scar to where ever the embers lead!"

"I'm ready when you are." Onyx says, setting her hands on fire.

Aelxiel smiles stopping next to them."Let's go!"

"Got it!" Fired out embers from her mouth.

Alexiel blinks surprised.Miroku grins goofily still hanging from alexiel's arm.I like this girl...

Onyx's body is totally aflame.
"here we go!" She yells.

"Everyone hold on tight! This could get windy!" Kirara warns as she dumps her charges off and flies high into the air. She let's out a burst of flames.

Onyx sends her flames onto Kirara's.

Kirara watches as the flames entwine and fly at a small cave. "Use the Wind Scar!!"

Yudan nods head jumping so she had a perfect shot. "WIND SCAR!!!"

Smoke covers the field as Kirara returns to Earth. She coughes out some dust and looks around to make sure everyone is all right. "Did we win?" She mews.

Alexiel's covering her nose,dropping miroku on the ground with a thud."I think.."she coughs a little.

Kirara hurries over to Alexiel and pushes her on the ground and sit in front of her, hiding her from the dust. "Is that better?"

alexiel snorts,the black dust she'd breathed in coming out her nose."Yea."

"Hurry! Everyone get behind me! Espescially those of you with sensative noses!" Kirara roars.

Miroku runs behind her sitting next to alexiel pulling her against him.Alexiel was to busy trying to cover her nose to notice his hand on her behind.

Kirara hits Miroku on the back of the head with her tail. " Not the time, monk!"

Puts sword away and covers her nose with her red haori sleve. "Everyone ok?"

"I'm fine, but where's Onyx! I haven't seenher since the blast and there's no way I can sniff her out in this." Kirara yowls back.

Alexiel tries to sniff for onyx but only ends up coughing burying her nose in miroku's chest.Miroku smiles holding her closer but behaving himself.

"I'm telling Sango!" Kirara meows. And hits Miroku with her tail again.

Miroku holds his head with one hand still one arm wrapped around alexiel."OW!what was that for kirara?"

"Felt like it. don't try that again Alexiel. You're only clogging your lungs with more gunk." Kirara warns.

Yudan just rolls eyes looking around. "Hm."

Alexiel nods pressing her nose against miroku's chest trying to block the gunk out. miroku scowls arms going back around alexiel.

"I'm watching you Miroku. Don't try anything dumb. Keep her nose covered and nothing else." Kirara warns him swishing her tail for emphasis.

Miroku smiles holding his hands away from alexiel.Alexiel snorts more gunk still getting through miroku's shirt.

Onyx eyes are stinging and her throat was killing her. Yet she feels safe. She heards a steady beat of a heart and looks up to see Mirkou's ashen face.

"Onyx! Where are you? Come to my voice!" Kirara yells out and walks away from Miroku and Alexiel. "Miroku." She mews tossing him a pack with her teeth. "There are mask in there that Sango left behind. Give her one. And take one to Yudan."

"What's going on?" Onyx asks Mirkou.

"Heh I don't need a mask thanks anyway. Besides i don't want to be grouped by the monk I've gotten this far." *harsh tone*

'Shit I can't see a damn thing.' Kirara think to herself. "Onyx! Someone!" Kirara lets out a yelp of pain and then a great roar as she falls down a hole. "SOMEONE HELP!!"

miroku and alexiel whip around hearing kirara and scramble to the edge of the hole,alexiel holding the mask against her face."Kirara?"

Yudan jumps down. "Kirara get on my shoulder, I'll get u out, just close ur eyes."

"Ok. Let me transform." There a bright flash as Kirara turns back into small form. She jumps on Yudan's shoulder and closes her eyes tight. "Thank you."

Yudan jumps full force out of hole and landed not to far behind the others. She pulled Kirara from her shoulder and blocked her from the wind. She looked at Kirara. "You ok?"

"I hurt my foot falling. I think it might be broken. And why the hell hasn't this dust dissapated? And did you guys find Onyx?" Kirara mews in pain as she tries to jump down. She decides not to and sit on Yudan's shoulder.

Alexiel was starting to get dizzy cause she had breathed into much dust.Miroku has a arm around her waist holding her up. "n-no we haven't"she coughs.

Onyx didn't know what was going on. She saw a swirl of colorful lights ahead of her. She heard a sound that sounded as if heaven's gates had opened. If she didn't feel so strange, she would have known this was one of the traps of the temple but she slowly got up and headed towards the lights.

"ONYX!!" Kirara roared. "WHERE ARE YOU!! COME TO MY VOICE!! ONYX!!"

"ONYX!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, she alost had to cover her own ears.

Kirara coughed at the dust that had gotten into her lungs. She was feeling so woozy from the pain and from the dust that didn't even show a sign of stopping. "Yudan I"m going to fall." She said and passed out.

Yudan catches Kirara in her arm. "Hold on kirara. Just rest."

Onyx walks slowly towards the lights. They had enchanted her and her feet wouldn't stop moving.
"Come to me," Said a soft silkly voice. "Let me take you.............."

Alexiel gets more woozy collasping against miroku who catches her picking her up bridal style,leaning her head against his shoulder."It's ok alexi...your brother would never forgive me if something happened to you..."

Onyx kepes walking towards the light.
"I am the one you love," It says. "After all these years, you found me again. Let me take you. Let me kill you."

Yudan yells so at least Onyx could hear her. "ONYX, COME HERE!!!"

"What?" Asks Onyx, looking around. She couldn't see anyone for she was blinded. "Who's there?"

"Onyx! It's me Yudan the 1/2 dog demon! Come to my voice or I'll come to yours!" *stepping foward* "Miroku, Alexiel I'll be back. just dont move." Holds on Kirara tightly. as she walked toward Onyxs' voice.

Miroku nods still holding the passed out alexiel.

"Let me have you......." the vocie pleads. "Let me take your life."

"Onyx! Answer me NOW!!" *looking around*

"Onyx! Answer me now!

"Let me have you." The voice belongs to a male. She is getting closer with each step.

"Onyx!" *yelled so she could hear her* "Come to my voice! Come to where I know ur safe!!!" *Yudans' voice seemed to echo for miles*

Kirara coughs and mews weakly. "Yudan? Please help her..."

Alexiel coughs taking off the mask,and burying her face in miroku's shirt."M-miroku?where is everyone?" "it's ok...they went to find onyx."

Yudan looked around then to Kirara. "Hold on Kirara. I'll find her." She looked foward seeing a shape of a person. "Onyx?!" Runs over to the figure. "ONYX are u ok!?" Putting her hand on her shoulder. Still holding Kirara tightly in her other hand.

"What?" Onyx asks, looking up into the face of Yudan. "What's happening? Where did he go?"

Alexiel pulls back,still standing uncertain if she'd fall,with miroku's arm around her waist."I haveta help..." "Ok..."miroku looks around for yudan and kirara.

Onyx doesn't seem to understand what was happening. Everything had been wonderful and perfect until she snapped back to reality.

"Yudan, did you find her?" Kagome came into view. "I had decided to come out and----oh!"

miroku had picked alexiel up bridal style since she had passed out again.smiling he held the mask in place so that she could breath easier.

"Where did he go?" Asks Onyx.

"Where'd who go?" Kagome asks her.

"Onyx?You ok?"Miroku smiles coughing a little holding the passed out alexiel gently,her head resting on his shoulder.

Kirara coughed up more dust and gunk, but didn't come back to consciousness. She mewed weakly.

Yudan covered her nose withe her haori sleve. "I can't stand much more of this!"

Alexiel coughs and mirokui pulls her closer making sure her face was in his shirt.

Onyx just stares at Mirkou for a second.
"I'm fine." She says. She wants to cry but she knows she can't. "Lets keep going."

"ok...let's go."Miroku looks at her worriedly.

Kirara coughs violently.

Yudan uncovers her nose and covers Kirara's. "Hang in there Kirara." Thinks 'I can risk my own heath Kirara is suffering'

"Here, let me carry her," Onyx offers sweetly. "I think I have something that can help her."

Yudan hesitates for a moment but gently hand Kirara to Onyx. Quickly covering her nose again, she sneezed.

Onyx takes out her dragon pin from her head and places it on Kirara's heart. The dragon's eyes glow and then, there is a bright light.

Alexiel blinks waking up,immedently coughing and covering her nose.Miroku smiles walking closer to onyx.

Kirara opens her eyes and mew weakly, "What happened and why doesn't it hurt to breathe anymore?"

Coughs and sneezes. Thinking 'Dam I hate this!' "Can we move on now!" Yudan Says stubbornly.

Miroku nods still holding alexiel."Come on let's go then!"

Stays in the back making sure no one gets left behind.

"Where are we going?" Kirara wonders....

"We're almost there," Onyx says. "We'll know we're there because of the tree."

"What tree?" Asks Kagome.

Alexiel looks around arms around miroku's neck."yea what tree?"

Onyx looks at Mirkou and Alexiel before turning around. "The tree of riddles. We'll know it when we get there. Now lets keep moving."

Kirara perks up. "Oh! I like riddles!"

Miroku laughs and alexiel cough laughs."YEa..but I bet they're not that easy."

Onyx's heart skips a beat when she hears Mirkou laugh. She blushes and contiunes on. Kagome watches her take the head and then looks at Mirkou.

"I still say I like them. The harder one are the funnest." She looks up into Onyx's face. "Don't you agree?"

Crosses arms as she listend and looked aroun silently.

Onyx looks at Kirara and nods her head but says nothing.

"See, Miroku! She agrees....So when do we get there?" Kirara beams.

"We should be getting there soon." She says.

Rolls eyes thinking 'Any DAY now.'

"There!" Onyx pointsto a lush pastue that has a strange looking tree.

So now what do we do?" Kirara asks really excited.

"Answer its riddles." Onyx answers plainly.

"So does it talk or something? Or do we have to kick it and it spits something out?" Kirara asks.

"Just go up to it and it will speak." Onyx says.

"Oh me first!" Kirara mews and jumps down from Onyx's grasp and bounds up to the tree...

"You hear it speak, for it has a hard tongue. But it cannot breathe, for it has not a lung. What is it?" the tree says to Kirara.

"Is TREE OF RIDDLES!!!" Kirara guesses and cringes in case something comes after her.

Comes behind Kirara and scares her. Falling on ground laughing. "Ha got you Kirara!

"THAT WAS MEAN YUDAN!!! But did I get it right?" Peers at the tree with her fur on end.

Onyx rolls her yes. "You are a bell."

"Correct!" The tree shakes its branches. "When they are caught, they are thrown away. When they escape, you itch all day. What are they?"

Yudan sits up on the ground clueless. Twitches her ears out of boredom.

"THOUGHTS!!" Kirara yells out. "Did I get it right this time?"

"That is inncorrect," the tree says. "Would anyone else like to answer?"

"They are fleas." Answers Onyx.

"That is correct." The tree leaves fall off. "Here is the last question. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?"

"A PROMISE!!! Please say I at least got this one right." Kirara mews. She sounds distressed but is really having fun.

"That is correct." The tree falls over. "Your party can pass but beware of my comrades who will ask you riddles as well."

"I got one right! This is fun!" Kirara says and bounds ahead of the group.

"Those where too easy." Onyx says, following Kiarara, hoping Mirkou would be impressed.

Yudan follows behind miroku and others silently looking around.

Kirara stops and runs back to where Miroku is. She jumos on his shoulder and whispers in his ear. "You haven't groped Yudan once and the whole time we've been in these parts you've been like permenatly attached to Alexiel. Is something going on?"

Kagome walks up behind Onyx and asks, "Is something wrong?"

Yudan yawns crossing arms as she followed in front of miroku and kirara.

Miroku laughs but blushes a little."what you want me to grope her?and no there's nothing between me and's just inuyasha will kill me if I don't bring her back in one peice."Alexiel blushes a deep red walking a little ways ahead of miroku and kirara.

Onyx looks at her feet before saying anything.
"No there is nothing wrong. Its just that-------"
She stops. She sees a drip of water come from the sky. She looks up but sees no clouds.
"Oh damn." She says.

Alexiel looks up water dripping on her face.Miroku looks confused looking up."What is that onyx?there's no clouds..."

"LOOK OUT!" Onyx cries, pushing Kiarara out of the way as a huge rush of water flows down the side of the mountian, taking her with it.

Miroku pushes alexiel outta the way along with Kagome before diving in after Onyx grabbing her around the waist.

"MIROKU!" Kagome yells after him, watching the two of them fall.

Miroku hugs onyx against him waiting for the landing.Alexiel gets up brushing off her jeans before taking off down the side of the mountian to the bottom.

Onyx feels someone hug her. She looks up to see Miroku clutching onto her.
"This is a dream," She says happyliy. "I've had it often."

Miroku looks confused as they land in a open area at the bottom.Alexiel stops looking around trying to figure out where they were.

Onx suddnely sits up and looks around.
"What? This is real?" She asks him as she begins to blush.

Miroku pulls away making sure he and her was ok.Alexiel runs over looking him over making sure he wasn't hurt,before looking at onyx."you ok?"

Onyx face is now bright head and turns her head and utters as faint, "Yes."

Miroku smiles getting up.Alexiel smiles coming over and tossing onyx over her shoulder."Come on let's go catch up to everyone."

"I hope they get back soon!" Kagome says.

"What happened? one minute they were here and the next thing I knew I was being pushed by someone..." Kiraramews looking around confused.

Alexiel had meanwhile ended up carrying miroku under one arm still holding onyx over her shoulder,walking into the area near kagome and kirara."Yo!Kagome Kirara!"

Kirara runs up to mett them. "What happened and why are you guys wet? Did I miss something?"

Alexiel sighs dropping onyx with a thud then setting miroku down gently.Miroku shakes his head getting rid of the water."Yea...hugemungous waterfall thingy sweeped us over the sside and I went to get them.."Alexiel smiles shaking her head trying to get the water outta her hanyou ears.

Kirara shudders. "I don't think I could stand being swept into water like that. Big thanks to whoever pushed me out of the way."

Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 3

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2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: please somone take a break for a minute so I can post

2005-01-31 [JapaneseMiko]: gomen!

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: thank you!!!

2005-01-31 [Yudan333]: .....ur welcome...

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: lol

2005-01-31 [Dark Angel]: wow... you people are very fast with writing this role play.... Seems like you have fun

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: we are

2005-01-31 [JapaneseMiko]: FUN! FUN! FUN!

2005-01-31 [Yudan333]: How'd U guess? lol

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: lol gtg talk to ya'll lata....

2005-01-31 [Yudan333]: k l8er!

2005-01-31 [JapaneseMiko]: can't wait to see you again!

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: me back!

2005-01-31 [Blaze the Nameless]: Hooray!

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: lol...Me so happy!

2005-01-31 [JapaneseMiko]: Be happy, be very happy!

2005-01-31 [Lady_Lionheart]: lol..i have a killer headache..I think I'm gonna go lay down for awhile...

2005-02-01 [JapaneseMiko]: Come back soon! Can't finish without you!

2005-02-01 [Lady_Lionheart]: ok then...probably around eight...see ya then...

2005-02-01 [JapaneseMiko]: JA!!

2005-02-01 [Lady_Lionheart]: lol cya

2005-02-01 [Yudan333]: Who thinks this is fun raise ur hand! *raises hand really high*

2005-02-01 [JapaneseMiko]: *raises two hands*

2005-02-01 [Lady_Lionheart]: *Raises hands*Me!!!!!

2005-02-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: *raises hers*

2005-02-01 [Yudan333]: lol all right!!

2005-02-01 [JapaneseMiko]: ROCK ON!!

2005-02-01 [Lady_Lionheart]: lol

2005-02-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: I think we should start posting on the other page!

2005-02-01 [Lady_Lionheart]: yea probably onto page 3

2005-02-05 [Blakkduv]: yep can i join

2005-02-06 [Blaze the Nameless]: Go ahead!

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